Pronounced: "flock-suh-naw-suh-nih-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-kay-shun"
What the hell does it mean?
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the estimation of something as valueless.
History/ Origin?
Between 1735 - 1745 a very pessimistic tutor at Elton College in England spent most of his miserable days in denial of the existence of the objects in life that were of worth and value to most people. Basically he took most things for granted. Anyone with an attitude such as this is known as a 'floccinaucinihilipilifilicat'.
Examples of everyday use in conversation:
"That floccinaucinihilipilification is a terrible thing!Sure didn't Peter only go and get himself arrested last Sunday when he stood up in the middle of mass preaching against the ideas of the 'Trocaire' charity organization!"
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