Pronounced: "pir-uh-lok-see-uh"
What the hell does it mean?
Pyrrhuloxia is a medium-sized American bird, similar to the Northern Cardinal or the Vermilian Cardinal. It roams through Mexico and parts of the southern states of America such as Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. It's gray in color and has a red breast.
History/ Origin?
Well its all Greek to me, but they developed the name through describing it's colour (πυρρος = pyrrhos = reddish or orange) and the shape of its bill (λοξος = loxos = oblique, hence crossbill).
Examples of everyday use in conversation:
Michael: "Yo!Tommy!, you coming to that fancy dress thing tonight? I hear theres gonna be a lot of savage birds there!". Tommy: "Okay, cool! I'll come dressed as a Pyrrhuloxia!".
Dale:"Aw darn it! Maggie, the cats just swallowed another Pyrrhuloxia!. Maggie: "What!, that's the sixth one today!!!".
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